Thursday, April 29, 2010

How some stories can imprint on the soul...

This has to be one of the most beautiful birth stories I have ever read. And I have read thousands. The entire website is dedicated to the story. You should go through each tab on the left side, as the story starts with "before the birth" and then ends at "after the birth". You are not simply reading another birth story, you feel as though you are on a journey with this family. Their son comes into this world at home and outside. Just a warning to the squeamish, this story contains graphic birth images.
"Suddenly I felt incredibly vindicated. I knew that no one, not even medical science "authorities" like the doctor who shot through me with fear after Sage's birth, has the power to name or describe the capability of my body but me. My bones moved, I opened up as wide as I needed to birth my big gorgeous son. I've never felt more powerful and sacred and immense."
A lovely photo of the couple with there new son as he enjoys his first meal.
 God bless them!

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